#Mount and blade warband mods tld mod#
This is the multiplayer mod that makes this game all the more interesting to play. It allows you to chop off their heads, arms, and legs into pieces and send them flying around the place. The decapitate and dismember mod does more than that. A perfect sword shot to the head is a satisfying way of dispatching an enemy. The game is all about killing your enemy.

The list of best mods of the game is presented for you to try out and enjoy. These mods are developed by enthusiasts around the world and add several exciting features to the game. The popularity of the game ensured that many mods came out. It involves strategy and combat with the objective of winning the throne of Calradia. Mount and Blade: Warband is a game set in the medieval period. Warband adds on to the original game by introducing new options and a new faction. Warband is a stand-alone expansion pack released for this game.

Mount and Blade is a popular RPG from TaleWorlds. In my game, the hardest part was trying to keep Rohan alive (their castles are really bad for defense) while waitng for Gondor to finaly try to siege something.Mount and Blade: Warband – The game and the mods At some point, Gondor will siege something down and it will starts getting better from there. When you get stronger, do a lot of missions for Gondor to get a good pay for the wages and also to buy nice unique items. That way, you can keep shooting for a long time. Never run out of arrows, when you have 2 left, go downstairs and find some weak Gondor archer and one shot him in the head to take his arrows. The hard part is to get the trolls down before they reach the doors. You will level up quite a bit with siege defense. Your rangers will kill a lot as you should also do. I've never lost any, though i saved before some of the sieges. Your job is to help defend Gondor castles. Knights and rangers are good for field fights. So i only recruited the rangers and the squires to make knights. I played mostly with the rangers (you get them in a hidden camp on the other side of the river) and knights of gondor. You didn't mention anything about crashing so you should have better luck then me. Watch some TLD Let's plays on you tube, and really focus on what they do in the early game to get rolling. Really wish I had more to contribute.Įdit: I guess that would be my advice. if you experience a lot of crashes like me, then I'm sorry. I hope you find your anwsers, and I'll be reading reply here hoping for some solid advice so I can give it another go, but if you dont. The marriage of these two things should be my favorite piece of media in the world, other then the LOTR TWM2 MOD FOR total war obv. But between crashing and not being able to get my early game going, I gave up. I've watched some really cool looking let plays on it trying to learn. I can't find any starting guides that really tell you a good path to go on. I never get more then 15 minutes with out a crash (i have a beast rig so it's not my pc). I know the lore like the back of my hand and my gollum impression is on fucking point. I love lord of the rings, the movies the books the prequel books, every game since ps2. I love mount and blade 500 hrs in native 200 in Pop 300 in c-rpg 100 or so in floris. I hate to not give you an anwser but since the comments are still empty I'll say what I have to say.